라벨이 trump 2020인 게시물 표시

S.Korean Law says US Election Illegal, Late-Arrival-Ballots Counted, No Observers to Watch

Here in South Korea, there was a huge Presidential Election Fraud in April, 15th. We call it 415 Election Fraud. After hearing the Election Fraud of  the United States, I think I have to tell something about South Korean Law to the US citizens.  We have a law about election. The name of this law is Public Election Law(공직선거법). If I apply this law to the situation of current US Presidential Election, Your Mail-In-Ballot Votes are illegal. Here's why.(Translated by Google Translator, residence voting means mail-in-ballot vote) 공직선거법 National Law of Public Election 제155조 Article 155 ⑤사전투표ㆍ거소투표 및 선상투표는 선거일 오후 6시(보궐선거등에 있어서는 오후 8시)까지 관할구ㆍ시ㆍ군선거관리위원회에 도착되어야 한다.  ⑤ Advance voting, residence voting, and onboard voting must arrive at the competent district/si/gun election management committee by 6 pm on Election Day (8 pm for by-election, etc.).   제181조  Article 181 (개표참관)   ①구ㆍ시ㆍ군선거관리위원회는 개표참관인으로 하여금 개표소안에서 개표상황을 참관하게 하여야 한다. (Observation of Counting Ballots) ① The ...

Korean Money Declare 'Trump Won' US Presidential Election, Judged by Common sense

 We, South Korean heard the very weird news from United States. US Presidential Election has failed to have election watcher in their Mail-In-ballot Counting. Wow, Nobody could be allowed to look at the ballots! Is this election came from North Korea, Communist Party? If you open the door every night, Thieves would be very happy to visit your home. Come on! It's a common sense.