S.Korean Law says US Election Illegal, Late-Arrival-Ballots Counted, No Observers to Watch

Here in South Korea, there was a huge Presidential Election Fraud in April, 15th. We call it 415 Election Fraud. After hearing the Election Fraud of  the United States, I think I have to tell something about South Korean Law to the US citizens. 

We have a law about election. The name of this law is Public Election Law(공직선거법). If I apply this law to the situation of current US Presidential Election, Your Mail-In-Ballot Votes are illegal.

Here's why.(Translated by Google Translator, residence voting means mail-in-ballot vote)


National Law of Public Election


Article 155

⑤사전투표ㆍ거소투표 및 선상투표는 선거일 오후 6시(보궐선거등에 있어서는 오후 8시)까지 관할구ㆍ시ㆍ군선거관리위원회에 도착되어야 한다. 

⑤ Advance voting, residence voting, and onboard voting must arrive at the competent district/si/gun election management committee by 6 pm on Election Day (8 pm for by-election, etc.).

①구ㆍ시ㆍ군선거관리위원회는 개표참관인으로 하여금 개표소안에서 개표상황을 참관하게 하여야 한다.

 (Observation of Counting Ballots) 
① The Gu/Si/Gun election management committee shall have a counting observer observe the counting situation in the ballot counting office.

So, If we judge by South Korean National 
'Public Election Law',

By the Counting of Late-Arrival-Mail-In-Ballots, it's illegal.

By the absence of Counting Room Observers(Mail-In-Ballots), it's illegal.


#Stop the Steal


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